Trade knows a wide variety of branches, Explore-IT has experience in media, food and wholesale. We keep track of the developments in these branches so that we can give a more fitting and complete service. So that we can give you the edge in a competitive market.
The production chain is getting shorter, producers are moving backwards as the resellers are moving backwards. The chain is becoming increasingly transparent as a result (foreign) competition is increasing. Adequate measures regarding e-business applications and services can secure you added value. Explore-It offers a partner that has the ability to aid you in this demanding word using ICT solutions.
Partial solutions are often used in important processes as logistics, distribution, inventory management and purchase. This entails that data has to be input multiple times, this increases the chance of mistakes. Integration has great earning potential. Up to date sales numbers, transparent management information, single time input and cost reduction are some of the advantages of integrated software.